A Gallery of Curiosities, mapping a journey through a Museum & Cultural Management postgrad Program at Centennial College, Canada.

During my program in 2020 - 2021, I was intrigued by the concept of Cabinet of Curiosities. It reminded me of the sideboard my parents had in my younger days. In the wooden sideboard, they kept treats like Treetop fruit powders which we enjoyed mostly on Sundays, they had soda streams and all the paraphernalia to prepare the fizzy drinks, they had mementoes and little souvenirs they’d picked up on trips and travels. Through that sideboard, I learnt about things of interest, places and journeys, and what they considered treasures. In a similar way, this gallery of curiosities curates themes, subjects, projects, and experiences of interest to me, on this journey of food explorer-curator-researcher. I hope you enjoy looking through it.

How to use it

  • To open up the gallery in its own, larger window, scroll to the bottom of the page and on the right, click on “View larger version”

  • You are welcome to filter, sort through the information using links in the top left corner of the page.

  • To explore each asset, click on the entry you’re interest in to see more information than is displayed - it’ll open up a window, and you can see more information as well as links


2023 | A Collection of Onitsha Market Literature